【Natural English Online Contents】


・Natural English

・Animals with Ali

・Sentences with Ali

・Phonemes with Ali

・Phonics with Ali

・Grammar with Ali

・Art with Ali

・Flashcards with Ali

・Jolly Phonics with Ali

・Story books with Sam and Ali

・Story Adventure



・Natural English

Many useful words and phrases, and practice asking/ answering questions.


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・Natural English

Practicing the "Have you ever" done something pattern. Very useful!


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・Animals With Ali

Join Ali in the Exciting World of Animals! 

In "Animals with Ali," children can practice common phrases with animal names while exploring the wonderful world of animals and language.

Animals with Ali」では、動物の名前と一緒に会話でよく使うフレーズ練習ができます。


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・Phonemes With Ali

In English, there are approximately 44 different phonemes and some of them are quite hard. Kids can practice them all to give themselves a great basis for speaking.

英語の上達に必要な英語の音をマスターします。英単語はすべて44の「音素」と呼ばれる音で構成されています。きれいな発音で英語を身に着けるて、将来のReading Writingにつなげる英語の基本となる音を学びます。

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・Phonics With Ali

Kids can practice reading and writing - there are downloadable writing worksheets in the videos which target Ages 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 specifically.


Phonemes with Ali」では、ダウンロード可能なフォニックス・ワークシートを使って、ご家庭で文字や単語のライティング練習ができます。


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・Grammar With Ali

"Grammar with Ali" teaches grammar concepts through example sentences and pictures in a simple way that is effective and memorable for children. The goal of these learning videos is for students to learn English grammar in a natural and sensory way.

Grammar with Ali」では、例文と写真を通して、子供にとって効果的で記憶に残りやすいシンプルな方法で、文法の概念を学びます。ネイティブスピーカーのように自然なかたちで感覚的に英文法を習得することを目的とした学習ビデオです。


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・Art With Ali

"Art with Ali" allows students to create cute arts and crafts.

Downloadable templates are available, including instructional materials and art templates.

かわいいアートや工作づくりに取り組める「Art with Ali


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・Flashcards With Ali

"Flashcards with Ali" are digital flashcards with colorful illustrations that help users to learn vocabulary for each theme.


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・Jolly Phonics With Ali

"Jolly Phonics with Ali" allows students to practice pronouncing and blending the sounds of the letters of the alphabet learned in each Jolly Phonics group, and to read them as words. 

Jolly Phonicsのグループごとに学んだアルファベットの1つ1つの音を発音し、それをくっつけて(ブレンディング)、単語として読む練習ができます。Jolly Phonicsを学習したことのあるお子さんの復習にも活用できます。ダウンロード可能なワークシートでReadingとWritingを強化できます。



After one month of lessons, you can take a summary test. The multiple choice test is pass or fail, with a passing rate of 80%. It is mainly based on "Grammar with Ali", Story Adventure" and "Story books with Sam and Ali".

There are links to which clips the questions refer to so you can recheck your answers if you like. The results will be sent to you. Additionally, upon completing the one-year course, you will receive a certificate of completion.


1ヶ月のレッスンの後、まとめのテストが受けられます。テストは選択式で、合格率は80%。主に「Grammar with Ali」、「Story Adventure」、「Story books with Sam and Ali」から出題されます。

